本公司在香港及宁波设有办事处。在德国汉堡和西班牙马德里有中转货场,公司秉承信誉第一的宗旨,经营各项废塑料进口(以欧美等国为主)贸易, 拥有稳定的价格以及可靠的质量,望有意向者速与我联系 欢迎合作! YILIN INTERNATIONAL TRADE LTD.is working on waste plastic futures with high reputation. Our head office is in Germany and we have warehouse in Hamburg and Madrid so that we can offer porducts with stable price and high quality.Welcome to contact us. Products: our company major in PET, PP, LDPE, HDPE, PVC, ABS, PS, PA, PBT, PVB and so on.
西班牙供货商,微信:elimintl 屠先生